Ceramics art exhibition by Rima Leipuvienė
After the 24th of February 2022 other times have come ....
Creativity has stopped, there has been a lot of anxiety, horror, resentment, injustice in life, in response to what is happening in Ukraine ...
Carefully joyful, more precisely, the late spring looked very unfairly beautiful ...
The desire for creation that has finally arrived and has changed the creative radius – from being focused only into inner world of myself, now, it‘s direction turned to the world, to the environment , to the outside. I have started to create ceramics that reflects the turbulent times in one way or another, and that is how I feel when the war in Ukraine takes place. I inevitably think about the brutal aggression that has taken place, I am afraid, I oppose, I protest, I am terrified and at the same time I am morally supportive, I wish a bright and peaceful reborn tomorrow to an independent, extremely brave country, Ukraine. Directly and indirectly, sometimes loudly, but mostly quietly ... I talk through my ceramics about the unexpected new time ...
In the exhibition I present new works created in 2022 as well as works from the series "One Year". Some of the works created earlier are the subject of relevancy again today. This is a very interesting phenomenon for me. I realize that the personal story reflected in ceramic work series created in 2020-2021 touched not only personal but also some common human experiences and insights that remained relevant as historical circumstances changed.
During the exhibition, it will be possible to purchase the exhibited works, and I will gladly transfer the money received for them to the organization "Blue / Yellow" (VŠĮ Mėlyna ir geltona).
Here you can find latest information about exhibition events.
June 5-20, 2021
Pirmadienis – nedarbo diena
Antradienis 11.00 – 18.00 val.
Trečiadienis 11.00 – 19.00 val.
Ketvirtadienis 11.00 – 18.00 val.
Penktadienis 11.00 – 18.00 val.
Šeštadienis 11.00 – 17.00 val.
Sekmadienis – nedarbo diena
Galerija neveikia valstybinių švenčių dienomis. Dieną prieš valstybinę šventę darbo laikas 1 val. trumpesnis.
January 5, 2018
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January 5, 2018
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MUSEUM, Leliūnai, Utenos r.
MUSEUM, Leliūnai, Utenos r.
Ceramic Artworks (2022)
Welcome to the gallery of high-fired sculptural ceramic works. Ceramic pieces created from chamotte clay, pigments, self-made ash glazes, fired in a temperature of 1300 c.